Well, as my mother, the girls' "Nanny," is heading our way very soon, I thought I would give her the heads up that she has a PR problem with this one. Here she is with a granola bar from Mimi. So, here's the story. The other day while I was making dinner, the girls were digging around in the canned goods cabinet- which used to be a microwave cart. They were pulling out cans, singing some little ditty and putting them back. Now, don't get me wrong, some where in the back of my mind was the thought that this was not a good idea, but hey, it was getting me a few minutes to finish up before My Man was due home. Then, the littlest girl started walking around carrying a can and saying, "Nanny, Nanny." I thought, "hmmm, that's veird." She continued on like this for 3 minutes or so before I finally gave her my full attention to try and figure out what she was going on about. I looked closely at the can and saw this: Tee hee, the tiny one thinks tha...