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Our extended yard

Our landlord (Perryangelo- PA)has told us to make ourselves at home in their yard. The property is lush and vast. There are fruit trees and grapevines and lots of lawn on which to play. (Not to mention the dirty pond which I am told wouldn't make a good swimming hole for the children- no kidding!) There's a wooded section near the end of the property. It's like a little grove, and it has the sunbathing bench for My Man. A little while back, we headed across the street to see what adventures were waiting for us. PA enthusiastically greeted us and handed us a metal pail, a hook and a ladder and forced, I mean encouraged us to pick some cherries. The girls had a blast and the four-footed-ugly baby had a chance to run willy nilly, leash-free. It was a refreshing and relaxing afternoon, and we got home before the rain.

I love this next picture as I think it captures the enthusiasm of the day, although it's a bit blurry. It can be hard to focus on such a whirlwind of fun. I think My Man was thinking about how bad the splinters would hurt if he got one during his nude sunbathing. I suppose removal of said splinter would fall on me- hmmm, that's not the most pleasant thought ever.

Here they are working hard.

As you can see, the little one played an integral role in getting the job done.

Warning, a domestic tidbit follows that is only intended for those who are curious about what it might be like to be the Italian House Diva that I am.

June has been the wettest month yet. The days start off rather nicely so I am lulled into thinking I can get laundry washed and out to dry. Then BOOM, before you know it, I am making a mad dash through the house (in my flipflops, of course) to get the laundry in before it's soaked again. Ahhh, yes, good times.

I keep forgetting to tell Number Nine- when I was getting my haircut, that song you like "No, I don't feel like dancing..." was playing on the radio! It was like you were with me in hair-spirit.

Also, we have had the first wave of international visitors- which means lots of fun, of course. More info to come......

Okay, one more thing- by clicking on this "delurking" button located on the right side of the blog, you can get to instructions about how to leave a comment. I tried to make it straightforward, so those of you who have e-mailed me, let me know what you think of the directions- and what improvements I can make.


mimi and papa said…
Now I see how you gathered the cherries for your homebaked cobbler -- with the help of your capable imiature assistants plus your Man! What a great outing and right in your own ( in a sense) backyard!) Wonderful! The shot with # 1 engine in the air is pure fun! I'll pack my tweezers just in case the call of the wild is irresistable and your Man must bath in the sun sans clothing. I'm having a vicarious thrill with every installment. Keep up the good work!
Bongo Bear said…
Thank goodness! I was having serious withdrawls from the lack of new blog postings--I am being completely serious. Every morning I would go on to see what new Italian capers had happened and was completely thrown off kilter when I did not see a fresh post. I even had a dream last night that Bongo and I flew there to visit you guys- just the two of us, BUT we had to fly home each night to take care of the kids HAHA. Love seeing you all picking cherries together- it looks like a relaxed Italian existence.:-) The steamies look cute and enthusiastic. Hope to see them soon. Passport here I come! Love you all and thanks for the update-- I feel connected once again.
Unknown said…
These pics are so great! I love them! It's like you're all living in a story book in Italy!

Your blog is such a great treat for us all--great idea and faboolous work, sistr!!

That's funny that "I don't feel like dancing" was playin in the salon. My hairy spirit was there!!

Hearts and Kidneys,
PS Who is Bongo Bear??

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