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Spring Break continued....

So, where did I leave off? We drove to Sorrento and used that as our "home away from home." The room wasn't all that fabulous. It feels like heresy, but I am going to say it....Rick Steves' choice of hotels can sometimes be a little shabby for a family!

My Mom, and dear Auntie Na and The Crunch all seem to enjoy this aspect. In fact, I think she should start her own tour company and bill herself as "The Shabby Traveler." It would work! There's always an adventure to be had, but with little folks, that "adventure" can seem like a pain in the keester!

As an example, apart from the UBER lumpy bed, the light in the bathroom was on a TIMER! Yep, it turned off after a certain amount of time had lapsed- really? When you are trying to get 2 kids in and out of a shower without having someone fall and land on the toilet- it's a small space folks! ANNOYING! I can't even tell you how many times I heard Z shout, "Mommy-o there's no light anymore!" Poor thing.

But, needless to say, we had a great time. These pics are from the infamous Mt. Vesuvius. The history is phenomenal- the whole thing is amazing!

We arrived with our Rick Steves pages ripped out and we were ready. Then, a nice older gentleman approached us and simply told us we were wasting our time if we don't hire a guide....he was, of course, a guide. It was a pain keeping the kids' interest and trying to figure out what we were looking at, so we took him up on his offer. It was a fabulous decision- he was filled with lore and jokes, and some shenanigans. Perfect.

I told the kids they needed to follow him or he was going to whack them with his umbrella- you should have seen their eyes : ) So, away we went! I think the best part of the tour was when he took out his good luck charm- I won't tell you what it was as this is a family-friendly blog. Then he said, "It's not true, but I believe it!" We just LOVE that! So true, so true.

We also explored a bit on our own- the Colosseum was awe-inspiring- and a little creepy.

Now that's a real fixer-upper!

H still loves her short hair and would like to take it up a notch and be bald. So, as she proves to me, bald IS beautiful!

This was a great restaurant- it's nice to be in Italy where there are so many choices kids love on the menus- oh and where the red wine flows so freely : )


Anonymous said…
Awesome pics and the narrative keeps me smiling. Wait till Rick S. hears about your commentary.....goes along with the shabby chic curtains, right?
Great to see the girls looking so very tall and bee-u-tee-full! Your man is quite handsome also! The blog will certainly be more and more appreciated as time goes by-you kept it going throughout your stay - so think about publishing it! It's a winner, for sure.
Love, Mimi
Unknown said…
What great pics! Looks like a cool and fun place and that you're all having fun! Love H in front of the store window bald mannequins! She is all glam! Love the bee raincoats too! XOXOXOX
Anonymous said…
Great photos. You really were lucky to have a private tour. In the heat of the summer with swarms of folks the trip is a tad more challenging. I'm envious of the peaceful pace you were able to keep. I'm sure you saw a lot. It is an interesting place. Nice work, nice work.
Unknown said…
Suprb photos!!!! Contact us for HIV/AIDS treatment in India.

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