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It's not appropriate....

I am the self-proclaimed queen of inappropriate laughter. Really. While it has been several months since my last spell of such laughter, it's been a life-long struggle.

Yesterday, I went to the dentist here in Italy. It has taken me over a year to work up the courage- both due to my mild dental phobia, schedule conflicts (not really) and general inexplicable inertia.

The office is clean and modern. Being who I am, I checked for signs of sterilization and am pleased to report all appears to be clean. (Note the use of the word appears.)

So far, so good, then the dentist walked in.....he is handsome, has a nice smile (of course)and a kind demeanor. Then, my mind did a terrible thing- it jumped to the idea that he looks like George Oscar Bluth (GOB from Arrested Development)! At first I giggle, then all out laughter ensues, clearly inappropriate behavior at the dentist office. I sit down in the chair and get a sip of change.

He and his assistant start to work on replacing an old filling and I am shaking with the giggles! I am sure they thought I was crazy! I could not use any of my coping techniques such as: 1) act like you are crying 2) act like you are coughing and the best one-3) excuse yourself from the situation.

I struggled to keep my eyes forward and listen to the music on my ipod. I could not look at him- especially when he put on the surgical mask!

I suspect it is out of my system and I should be safe for the next visit. I hope so anyway. You know, at least I am no longer plagued by hearing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" in my head I just listen to that on the ipod : )


Anonymous said…
Oh and Bob have this issue in common. ALTHOUGH, he NEVER tries to hide it or excuse himself in any way :-) He just enjoys the good hearty laugh. I will give you concrete examples of his inappropriate laughter next time we chat, It would be much too inappropriate to actually write them down!! Very funny post. I loved it-- hope the filling went OK? Thanks for the great bday song and wishes. EG's mermaid sandbox was a huge hit! She and M both loved it. Hugs and Kisses to all!
Anonymous said…
You make me laugh. I too have difficulty with the inappropriate laugh and when it cycles, well......there is no hope of stifling it without severe self inflicted pain or self removal from the situation. I can't help remembering a family removal from the kitchen during dinner long ago when giggling just bred more giggling. In my infiniate aged wisdom, however, is it so bad? Not so much! I think it releases endorphins or some such wonderful enzymatic release which is always a good thing. Keep smiling!!!!
Unknown said…
You and GOB! Hilar!! YOu and Jay heart GOB!! I laughed picturing you trying hard not to laugh at the Dentist Italiano!!! ;-P
mimi and papa said…
This post reminds me of the "enlarged uterus" laughing spree. I say no more, except that memory of the "pretending to cry" aspect to cover the uncontrollable laughter mirrors your predicament. Wish I could have your dentist office visit on video!
Beyond hysterical!

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