I just spoke with my friend in Washington D.C and they are snowed in! To be truthful, it sounds like fun to me.....shhhh.
For us, we have to go seeking the white stuff. A couple of weekends ago, we attempted to drive up the mountain for a little fun in the snow, but we stopped partway up. The conditions called for chains on our tires- which we don't have. We decided we didn't want to chance it and possibly spend our day trapped on the mountainside. (I think the only one who was disappointed was My Man- the kids had a great time playing at a little pit stop along the way.)

This weekend, we made it to the top....H and My Man rented an inner tube and went tubing!

You hop on and ride down this slope and there was a people mover at the bottom. You insert your ticket in the little turnstile and you can get a ride back to the top. (see the people on the left?)

H-bomb was like an adrenalin junky. She was hyped up and loving it!

Z-meister and I took the slower sled down the other side of the mountain. We had a blast and she insisted I shout "Cowabunga" on the way down.....how could I argue with that little snot-nosed face? (She learned Cowabunga from Stitch- not Bart.)

But then she got curious and showed an unusual streak of braveness.....

Turns out she loved tubing as well and went on several more runs. It was not my favorite- you know, hurling down the hill, practically sitting on my child, with no head protection and did I mention no steering? At one point we were going backwards...not exactly my favorite....but I am sure there is more of that in my future.
The Italians cracked me up for two reasons:
1.) Color: Although black is the color of choice for daily Italian life, it is anything goes when it comes to snow gear. There were men in bright purple and turquoise, women in hot pink and lots of reds and blues. They were stuffed into those suits, standing around smoking.
2. Haphazardness: I am accustomed to sledding down the center of the hill and walking back up along one of the sides. This makes sense to my American brain- people can continuously sled down the center and there is less chance for collision. Also, it's easier to walk on the sides where the snow isn't packed down so much. Well, that is just not the modus operandi in Italy. You just slide down and then walk right back up the center of the hill. At the top, you stand around blocking the top of the hill while you talk and smoke- making it difficult for others to launch their sleds. Then, on the way down, you shout "Pista" (which translates to "trail or runway" but it's really more like "coming through!") at the top of your lungs and hope everyone gets out of the way....or maybe you hope they don't...not sure about that!
For us, we have to go seeking the white stuff. A couple of weekends ago, we attempted to drive up the mountain for a little fun in the snow, but we stopped partway up. The conditions called for chains on our tires- which we don't have. We decided we didn't want to chance it and possibly spend our day trapped on the mountainside. (I think the only one who was disappointed was My Man- the kids had a great time playing at a little pit stop along the way.)
This weekend, we made it to the top....H and My Man rented an inner tube and went tubing!
You hop on and ride down this slope and there was a people mover at the bottom. You insert your ticket in the little turnstile and you can get a ride back to the top. (see the people on the left?)
H-bomb was like an adrenalin junky. She was hyped up and loving it!
Z-meister and I took the slower sled down the other side of the mountain. We had a blast and she insisted I shout "Cowabunga" on the way down.....how could I argue with that little snot-nosed face? (She learned Cowabunga from Stitch- not Bart.)
But then she got curious and showed an unusual streak of braveness.....
Turns out she loved tubing as well and went on several more runs. It was not my favorite- you know, hurling down the hill, practically sitting on my child, with no head protection and did I mention no steering? At one point we were going backwards...not exactly my favorite....but I am sure there is more of that in my future.
The Italians cracked me up for two reasons:
1.) Color: Although black is the color of choice for daily Italian life, it is anything goes when it comes to snow gear. There were men in bright purple and turquoise, women in hot pink and lots of reds and blues. They were stuffed into those suits, standing around smoking.
2. Haphazardness: I am accustomed to sledding down the center of the hill and walking back up along one of the sides. This makes sense to my American brain- people can continuously sled down the center and there is less chance for collision. Also, it's easier to walk on the sides where the snow isn't packed down so much. Well, that is just not the modus operandi in Italy. You just slide down and then walk right back up the center of the hill. At the top, you stand around blocking the top of the hill while you talk and smoke- making it difficult for others to launch their sleds. Then, on the way down, you shout "Pista" (which translates to "trail or runway" but it's really more like "coming through!") at the top of your lungs and hope everyone gets out of the way....or maybe you hope they don't...not sure about that!
What fun for the kids and you guys! You were Griswald on his sled!! FUN FUN FUN!! Wish I were there!!