Lucky for the world, children are usually very forgiving.
We went to the library this year to visit with Santa. I thought it would be nicer for the kids to see him during story time than to attend a crowded party and have to wait in a seemingly endless line for a chance to chat with the guy in the red suit.
After a short wait, Santa arrived. The children sat enthralled (well, as enthralled as little kids can be) as he read them "Twas the Night Before Christmas." He never showed them a single picture from the book. This Santa must have been sleeping during the Santa Story Hour 101 refresher course.
Then began the age-old (and somewhat troubling) tradition of sitting with Santa and asking for gifts. H and Z were patient, even timid. Finally, it was their turn. Z asked for a new pair of PJ's. H asked for supplies for her Baby Alive doll- to include diapers and a changing mat.
As you can see, Santa was equally enthralled.
Santa was a man of few words, so the conversation was quickly over and the girls jumped off his lap....before I could get a photo.
"Hey Santa?" I asked. "Could the girls stand by you for one minute so I can get their picture with you?"
Santa said, "Yeah, sure....whatever."
Because I truly love the holidays, I stifled my instinct to slap the Bearded One. I quickly decided the kids might be scarred by my outburst of holiday violence, especially since they didn't even seem to notice Santa's apathy.
The reindeer was a sweetheart and a big hit.
On the way home, H said, "Santa seemed tired." All is forgiven.
I hope you had a wonderful holiday season : )