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Ho Ho Ho....whatever.....

Lucky for the world, children are usually very forgiving.

We went to the library this year to visit with Santa. I thought it would be nicer for the kids to see him during story time than to attend a crowded party and have to wait in a seemingly endless line for a chance to chat with the guy in the red suit.

After a short wait, Santa arrived. The children sat enthralled (well, as enthralled as little kids can be) as he read them "Twas the Night Before Christmas." He never showed them a single picture from the book. This Santa must have been sleeping during the Santa Story Hour 101 refresher course.

Then began the age-old (and somewhat troubling) tradition of sitting with Santa and asking for gifts. H and Z were patient, even timid. Finally, it was their turn. Z asked for a new pair of PJ's. H asked for supplies for her Baby Alive doll- to include diapers and a changing mat.

(note her distrusting glance...really not a bad instinct)

As you can see, Santa was equally enthralled.

Santa was a man of few words, so the conversation was quickly over and the girls jumped off his lap....before I could get a photo.

"Hey Santa?" I asked. "Could the girls stand by you for one minute so I can get their picture with you?"

Santa said, "Yeah, sure....whatever."

Because I truly love the holidays, I stifled my instinct to slap the Bearded One. I quickly decided the kids might be scarred by my outburst of holiday violence, especially since they didn't even seem to notice Santa's apathy.

The reindeer was a sweetheart and a big hit.

On the way home, H said, "Santa seemed tired." All is forgiven.

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season : )


mimi and papa said…
Your Santa was not so festive, but the girls look Fabulous! His lack of enthusiasm didn't seem to dampen the little people's spirits - good for them!
Unknown said…
Did Santa really say..yeah whatever!? Was he Americano or Italiano? He does look rather menacing and unsmiling! Glad you teach the girls to trust their instincts!
Unknown said…
Did Santa really say..yeah whatever!? Was he Americano or Italiano? He does look rather menacing and unsmiling! Glad you teach the girls to trust their instincts!
nanny said…
Thanks goodness the girls are filled with so much Christmas spirit and joy......of their own. No blase Santa could thwart their enthusiasm! The reindeer looked like he saved the day! Funny thing about reindeer. Tra, la, la, la..... Are you all still listening to Xmas music? It's good until the end of January you know. A reindeer told me.

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