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Somewhere Over the Rainbow......

Although I can't know for certain what other people experience, it seems safe to say that most people will, on occasion, have a little tune that runs through their minds. It happens to me, and I know My Man recently had a RIDICULOUS song in his head. He (we!) were able to listen to it nonstop for several days, and poof, one morning, he woke up and it's gone. That's how it usually goes. The songs come and go.

For me, the tunes aren't necessarily songs I have recently heard, nor are they songs I really like, although that is sometimes the case. They are usually songs that are pertinent to my overall emotional state at the time. It's as if the songs in my memory make up a thesaurus. A lyric that expresses a bit of my mental state is retrieved subconsciously and then my mind strikes up the tune. Let's say I am super happy to see H-bomb, (daughter #1) then I might start to hear/hum/sing, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..." That's a rough approximation, and most of the time it's more subtle than that, but you get the idea. It can be fun, for me, to try to link the lyric and figure out why that tune is center stage.

I hereby confess that I have had a song STUCK in my head for THREE years. People, it's been torture. Yep, ever since I arrived in Italy, I have had the same song running through my head. It has been maddening. I don't even know all the words! I can't even remember the last time I had heard this song.

You'll never guess what song.....that's right, "Somewhere over the Rainbow." While I enjoyed the movie years ago, I have never been a fanatic, or someone who knows all the words to every line in the movie (Aunt Na).

Particularly when I am driving on these narrow, twisty roads, I hear, "Somewhere over the rainbow....." When I am stuck behind a tractor, which is a thrice daily occurrence, "skies are blue...." When I am sweeping the porch, or walking through the market, "and the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true."

"Where troubles melt like lemon drops...."- really? That's the song that's been chosen for ITALY?! Italy? This is the land of red tape, not rainbows! The troubles don't melt here, trust me people. Red tape, construction delays, random pullovers by the polizia to check your melting troubles to be found. Italy is not really "a land that I heard of once in a lullaby." Why this song, why oh why can't I (get it out of my head)? WHY??????

I have tried to commandeer this whole phenomena and supplant this tune with other songs, but it has never worked. I can't figure out I over the I so looking forward to our next chapter in life and THAT'S over the rainbow.....? Why oh why?

Recently, I changed gears. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Albert Einstein

I have embraced the was long overdue. I went to Itunes (love it) and purchased THREE versions of that song, who knew there were so many available! One is kind of reggae, the classic by Judy Garland, and one that's more like a lullaby, artist unknown.

We have been blasting these 3 songs all day, every day. In the car, in the kitchen, in our heads. I know the words now, the kids know the words. Now, I cruise down the stink-filled (pig farms?) roads with this song blaring. We are watching people run red lights and rocking out with rainbows. There's a team of cyclists in the road, and we are humming and wishing upon a star so we might wake up where the clouds are far behind us.

And then it finally dawned on me....I too have been displaced to a land of small people who talk funny and have a very different way of life.....and my kids are here too : )

Come out, come out wherever you are
And meet the young lady who fell from a star
She fell from the sky, she fell very far
And America she says is the name of the star.


nanny said…
Awesome! Now we'll all be singing O'er the Rainbow. Na doesn't need much encouragement and off she'll go. I always think of Dorothy's song as a 60s song, wanting to fly like the birds and all. It's a little psychadelic. Don't you think? I very much enjoyed your comments and analysis. You always make me smile.

The ladies made me think of a song I have been singing called I am the Music Man.......... Check it out. It's on youtube near the gummy bear song.


Love ya'll!!
Unknown said…
That is nutty that that song has been in yer head fer so long...i thought it went away! I haven't had a song stuck in my head, although sometimes i hang onto stupide things i did! like knocking my head really hard recently and carelessly in my bathroom! glad you have embraced the song!

the photos are magical! like the girls are in a special children's garden of magic and bubbles! took me a sec to figure out the blonde lady is j from france!
Unknown said…
I am SO NOT KIDDING! The song Somewhere over the rainbow just came on my radio!!! Holy smokes!!
mimi and papa said…
Somewhere over the rainbow has special meaning for some of the baby boomers as it was the theme song for the Disney Show. I think your insights are right on Miss Tinkerbell as you long to return home.....and your family years for all of you to return as well. Now our troubles don't really melt like lemon drops, but being together sure helps!
Embracing the song works like a charm....what we resist, persists.
Can't wait to see all of you! Where is your youngest---didn't she have dark hair??
Love, Mimi

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