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Showing posts from October, 2009

Not everyone has an Uncle Crunchy...but everyone should (be so lucky!)

This is a blast from our recent arctic (okay,Ohio)visit, but it deserves a post. When we were in the States, Spring was dawning, and with it, the weather was warming. There were 2 girls in Ohio who were sad the mounds of snow were melting. H and Z were so very excited to be in this winter wonderland that they could barely stand to think about the snow being melted when we returned to Ohio after a trip to Florida. But Uncle Crunchy had a plan..........he SAVED them a snowperson in his freezer! Isn't he the bestest???????????? It was so wonderful! Every girl should have a Crunchman!

Somewhere Over the Rainbow......

Although I can't know for certain what other people experience, it seems safe to say that most people will, on occasion, have a little tune that runs through their minds. It happens to me, and I know My Man recently had a RIDICULOUS song in his head. He (we!) were able to listen to it nonstop for several days, and poof, one morning, he woke up and it's gone. That's how it usually goes. The songs come and go. For me, the tunes aren't necessarily songs I have recently heard, nor are they songs I really like, although that is sometimes the case. They are usually songs that are pertinent to my overall emotional state at the time. It's as if the songs in my memory make up a thesaurus. A lyric that expresses a bit of my mental state is retrieved subconsciously and then my mind strikes up the tune. Let's say I am super happy to see H-bomb, (daughter #1) then I might start to hear/hum/sing, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..." That's a rough approxi...