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Some people....

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go...
Some stay and make footprints on our hearts...
And we are never, never the same."
~Author Unknown~

Toothache anyone? I propose another version.

"Some people come into our lives and NEVER go...
Some stay too long and leave deep imprints in our brains..
And we are never, never the same."

I don't know about other families, but we have a certain number of people who more or less "attach" themselves to us. We SHOULD tell them to get lost. But we don't. I suppose we don't due to a mix of laziness and guilt. What have they ever done? They are so nice.....they mean well....

These people are not entirely unpleasant, just consistently present and perhaps outright aggravating.

Seems we have found another person like that, the Italian version

We'll call him Marco. He works at the Italian motorcycle shop frequented by My Man. I recently accompanied My Man to the shop one day. Marco was very excited to meet me and chat with me in English and Italian. He then invited us to dinner at a castle- we could ride the motorcycles up the mountain to the restaurant.

We agreed to go, who wouldn't? As we road, we approached a building that looked like it might be considered a castle, but not a very fancy one. (Having seen several castles, perhaps we've become harder to impress. If it doesn't have turrets, or a moat or something, it's more like a really big house.)

We took a funicular, which was crowded and smelled of strong body odor, to the top. Marco was chitchatting with his countrymen, which is very unusual here in Northern Italy. Judging by their expressions, our fellow passengers found his conversation attempts unusual as well.

(For you fashionistas, there was a couple in the hot, stinky funicular with us who were dressed for dinner. The man wore green "skinny" jeans with a purple polo- collar up. The woman wore purple skinny jeans with a green polo- collar up. They made out at the restaurant. We're thinking about dressing like them for Halloween.)

Inside the castle is a hotel, a spa, and two restaurants, one fancy and one pizzeria. We had reservations at the pizzeria. We settled into a booth and then, well, it was HORRIBLE! The questions, comments and conversation were ALL directed toward me. It was like I was on a DATE with Marco and My Man was just a third wheel!!! I kept trying to include him, but to no avail, Marco would commandeer the conversation and redirect it towards a conversation pour deux.

Look at this picture- I was standing next to My Man!!!

Who takes a picture like that????

Look at me clutch and claw My Man's arm.........

Then today, I got home and there was a message on the answering machine....

"Hello (heavy Italian accent), it is Marco, I am calling you. Hello?"

Great, now we have to move.


Anonymous said…
Oh my....I am gasping for breath, because I am laughing so hard. Old Marco just can't help himself, he has good taste in women. If I were JV, I would not drink or eat anything from this man or let him service my bike-for fear he was trying to off me so he could have you all to himself. LOVE the pic! haha. What a nut. Bob is gonna love this story.
nanny said…
I can't stop laughing............

I agree, I would not let JV get his bike serviced by this, er, Casanova.
Unknown said…
Hello, it is Shosho, I am calling you!!! HILAR!! That's too too much that he took J out of the photo! What a nutball!
mimi and papa said…
Hysterical! Marco doesn't even have the good sense to "appear" well-mannered. We can't dislike him totally though, since his gross behavior inspired this zany blog. I enjoyed a good laugh!

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