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Happy New Year....

At midnight, the church bells began ringing. It was beautiful, ethereal. A quick glance out the window revealed a delicate snow had started to fall, as if on cue.

The next moment, it sounded like someone was dropping bombs near our house! The fireworks were so loud, you could feel the house shudder a little with each explosion. (Remember, our house is concrete!) It was amazing and the most amazing part? The kids slept right through it all.

The next day, with all that freshly-fallen snow, we seized the opportunity to build a snowgirl- a wonderful way to start off the year. It was raining, so our window of opportunity was small. Fear not, as you can see, we got the job done- and we made a little snow dog too.

Everyone had a job- here were the "fresh snow" gatherers. They brought back beautiful snow to cover the grass-laden areas on the snowgirl.

My job was to roll the large snow balls for the typical triad shape. As you can see, all members of the group were busy. I never thought I would say this, yet I had to repeat it several times. "No girls, that's not pooh in the snow, those are olives!"

This is our snowgirl hugger. She was compelled to give random hugs to our nascent creation.

Nanny-o, resident artist, designed our snowgirl's look. She bestowed olives for eyes, a classic carrot nose, a twiggy smile and wonderful olive branch eyelids to her face.

More hugs were added.

Here I am adding the finishing touch. From the way Z was standing back with her eyes lit up, I now realize she thought our snowgirl was going to come to life after our New Year's hat was placed on her head! (We had recently watched Frosty.)

Ta da!

Here's one with the little dog, too.


nanny said…
Wondrous! The only word to describe the event. The snow, the bells and the magical hope of a little girl who truly believed a magic hat would make her snowgirl come to life. Happy Rebirthday! to us all in this new year. May the new year bring continued joy and health to family, friends and readers of this blog, with hearts open to the wonder of the season!
Unknown said…
I love your snogirl pics!! Looks like a wonderful fun and magical time! Happy New Year! Eager to see you all in Spring!
Anonymous said…
Hello toute la petite famille, je vois que vous avez de la neige en Italie!!!! super pour les petites, elles sont heureuse de jouer dans la neige et faire des bonhommes de neige. Je suis contente de vous voir sur le blog à nouveau : mamie, maman et les petites. Bonne année, beaucoup de belles et bonnes choses pour 2009, où nous avons l'itention de vous rendre visite. Je suis très heureuse à l'idée de vous revoir, çà fait trop longtemps que nous ne nous sommes pas vues. Vous êtes dans mon coeur LOVE FRENCHMAM
mimi and papa said…
Purely Delightful! All the girls, including the newest addition made of snow bring warmth and smiles to the cold winter season.

It was so good to catch up with you this morning Mommy- O.

So looking forward to spending lots of time with all of you soon.

Love, Mimi

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