Don't we wish this were our new place! It really didn't suit little Z- the princess was not happy whilst touring the King's bedchamber. So unhappy was she at the moment, that she was on the verge of pitching a holy fit- I am sure it would have been king-sized. I knelt down next to her, and through my clenched teeth informed her that it was simply inappropriate to have a fit in the castle. I let her know that all the people with us on the tour had paid money to hear about the castle and not to hear her antics. She stomped, she fumed, but she stopped. Sigh- thank goodness.
I think that's a real turning point in a parent's life, when you can talk them back from the edge. It's great.
We moved, our computer crashed. (Now realize, what I mean when I say crashed- I mean there are items that were saved on the desktop that are no longer retrievable, and the computer wouldn't so much as start up.) That, my friends, is a crash. But, being married to MacGyver has it's advantages....and lucky for us, we have our secret weapon- our computer-phone-a-friend Steve (aka "Papa") on board. Obviously, we're up and running, but can they get those pictures back? Stay tuned. And, for those of you wondering- of COURSE I don't have a back up or a back up of the back up or a back of that back up. I am not who I used to be.
Despite all this, we went to Edelweis for a long weekend. It was AWESOME. It's a beautiful place and very kid-friendly. Did I tell you about the ill-fated trip to Verona? This was my little Z's chance to redeem herself. She came through with flying colors. We enjoyed eating "American" style food- peppercorn encrusted salmon, My Man had a steak, salads with pear and blue cheese. For me to talk about food says something.
Coucou French Maman- chaque fois que je t'ecrive, je recois une note que le e-mail ne va pas. J'ai ecrive aujuourd'hui....
Can't wait to see all of you in your new home. Lots of Love and hugs, Mimi