I still harbored the hope of being "productive." I digress, for a moment, to consider that desire. I really enjoy accomplishing things. I recognize the list of things "to do" is ever-changing and ever-growing, but I still like to get things done. I have been known to add an already-accomplished task to the list, only so I can check it off. I mean, it "counts." There have been times when I have been a slave to the list. Children and living in Italy have taught me a powerful, shocking and slightly painful lesson. NOTHING bad happens if I just ignore the list! There are some days, I wake up to face a long list of things to do. As I sip my coffee, my mind starts to clear and, slowly, a realization dawns on me. I really don't want to do any of my list tasks. Next comes both a feeling of relief and despair, as I realize I don't actually HAVE to do anything today! It's freeing and scarey at the same time. Such is the life of the casalinga! Ha...
Sharing the fun.....mostly