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Year-end festa...

Despite the rain, we decided to go to our eldest daughter's year-end festa at a park in a nearby village.
It was interesting to see H re-united with her Italian peers- her personality was that of a meek child rather than the outgoing spunky child we know. Just look at that kid! Hmmmm....

The children had a great time playing on this archaic merry-go-round. I can't remember the last time I saw a merry-go-round in the states. Surely some parks still have them. Or, perhaps, they are too much fodder for our litigious society.

Later, the Italian children were playing group games. Neither of the "Americane" was interested, so they made their way back to the merry-go-contraption and had a blast.

It's like a dizzy-fun-machine. It had chain safety belts, so it must be safe.

There was a nice lunch guessed it, pasta was on the menu-pomodoro or ragu sauce. It was cooked in a giant vat- and it was perfect.

During this casual dining experience we were informed "all Americans overcook their pasta." We also learned that eating pasta "al dente" is better for your digestion than overcooked pasta. Plenty of red wine was flowing, and I had a lovely conversation with the elderly gent to my left. It seems the Italians have the same gripes about the "yutes" as the Americans....I was treated to the classic monologue about how kids have no work ethic, expect everything for nothing and no respect, blah blah blah. The only new twist was the fact that it was in Italian.

There was a little bit of time for more play.

As a final thought, we had some time to discuss why the teachers have such little support.....


Anonymous said…
'Mes jeunes années en Italie' c'est à quoi je pense quand je vois H et Z grandir mois après mois. Eles sont ravissantes, pleines de vie, et très heureuses. C'est super. Je crois reconnaitre J. derrière le poster, serait-elle en vacances en Iatie. I kisse you Love F.M
Anonymous said…
WOW! I'm not sure I've EVER seen such poor teacher support in my life!....EVER!
Unknown said…
Adorable end of the scuola year pics! Love them! Looks like fun! I like the merry-go-contraption! And taht you talked with an Italian about the yutes of today!
Auntie Ro Ro on the go go!
Anonymous said…
That is great they have chains on the merry go round- here the merry go rounds on the pg are flat with bars to hold on to. So when we spin the kiddies fast they all are centrifuged out to the edge and we cross our fingers that they don't go flying off! :-) So H & Z are fortunate to be in Italy now!
Looked like a fun day- and where else would vino be served at the school event? Thanks for sharing the wonderful pics of the girls.
mimi and papa said…
Thanks for sharing the fun event! I also heard that cooking pasta till soggy is a no-no. Complaining about the "yute" must be an international favorite. I prefer to focus on all the wonderful things that kids are accomplishing! The girls are growing so fast---new raincoat for H this year??
Perhaps you can turn the teachers on to Oprah--she had a program devoted to proper support for the "girls"
Love and Miss you all. Mimi

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