We decided to attend H's school celebration of Carnevale- yes I know it was in February. Our landlady, Signora Anna, repeatedly told me to let the kids wear their Halloween costumes. We went to the party a couple minutes late as we have learned is the expected protocol. When we walked into the large open room, I immediately noticed a difference between the little Americanas and the other girls.....ALL the Italian girls were dressed like princesses. Most of the Italian boys were dressed like super heros.....I think there was one clown. Our girls were dressed like....yep, dogs.
Who let the dogs out?

There's the one clown.
The main activity for the duration of the party was throwing confetti. After all the confetti was thrown, the kids scooped it all up and threw it over and over and over again. I am still finding bits of confetti around the house.

That's the infamous Luigi. For a brief time, he was trying to hold H's hand and kiss her cheek at school. She did not like it one bit. Don't worry, we have it all straightened out and now he adores her from afar.

Near the end, a couple of teachers joined the party and directed a few games. It was hilarious to watch H and Z. At one point, all the kids dropped to the ground and started making animal noises and the two little foreign kids were just standing there, witnessing the mayhem. I couldn't stop laughing. Z ran over to ask me what they were doing- I didn't have a very good answer.
I am sorry that I haven't posted this week. Diesel, I am so glad you figured out how to leave comments- we commented back on some of them! It was good to hear from you. I will try and do a catch up and post and then try to post more regularly next week...when time slows down, again. Nanny, I hope you made it home okay. The little engines were asking about you all day. We went over how you will be back, several times. I think they get it : ) Of all the weeks we have had here in Italy, I can honestly say, none of them have gone fast- except this past week. We drove Nanny to the airport this morning and it seems like we were just there to pick her up! This time, we went the right direction and it took much less time, fancy that. (You would think that with a map and a car we would be okay, but it is seriously difficult to get around here. You have to know several towns past your destination town that might be marked on the signs and then might not be. For example, you want to go to Ven...
Miss you all so very much.
Lots of Love, Mimi
Hearts! Roshooxox