I like snow as well as any other Ohioan-ette. I must admit, however, I don't miss driving in it, slipping in it, or seeing it turn black from all the road filth. I do miss the clean freshness of a new snowfall, but not the windy frigid cold that accompanies such a delight.
Here in Italy, our climate is very mild. I fear we are getting quite spoiled. Even more decadent, the snow is located just a short drive up a steep and twisty road in
Piancavallo. Here, we can enjoy the snow until our noses are too cold to continue and then be done with it!

The kids LOVED every minute. H, the scientist, had lots of questions about snow, ice, etc. Things like, what would happen if I brought this home? Can I eat this?

Armed and ready for a snow fight. Here they discovered the joys of pummeling their Dad with snow, and the sorrows of being on the receiving end of an onslaught.

This is Z's "snowman stomping stance." It was my job to build the little fellows and her job to stomp them. Such a delicate child.

We didn't have the proper snow gear- Z was wearing her rain boots and H was sporting her cowboy boots. Neither My Man nor I were dressed for it, either. We both ended up with our pant legs full of snow- ah, the joys.

We took each of the little ones down the hill on our rented sled. The sled shack had a warning posted- there was no steering on the sled. Seems we could have figured that much out. Italians don't warn you about much, so it was intriguing.
We ended the day with a hot chocolate as per tradition- it was awesome.
Smiles and Hot Cocoa after playing with the cold fluffy stuff---PRICELESS!
Love, Mimi