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Dr. Drill and Fill

As you can see, it was time for H to head to the dentist. The other little fellow is one of her new friends, the son of one of my new friends. They have fun playing together. For me, it's interesting from the social science aspect- to see the differences in how little boys and girls play. I find it fascinating. But I digress.
I dutifully made the appointments weeks in advance. That's how it goes with the military, and it's no problem. While I was making appointments for the girls, I attempted to schedule myself for a check-up. I was told by the receptionist that the facility needed to see 800 more service members before they were going to see any family members. Hmmmm, very interesting bit of information....not sure what to do with it.
I was also told that I could go to a dentist downtown. OH MY GOSH- can you just imagine the calamity? No thanks, I'll take my chances with tartar.

H did great and the dentist was wonderful. Pediatric dentists...thank goodness there are such wonderful souls who are willing to do THAT job. No problems, no cavities, no pictures of the Z-bomb. She was all eager to get in the chair when her sister was in the chair...but all she really wanted was the glasses. When it came time to sit and open wide- nothing doing. I sat in the chair with her on my lap and she did fine. I was secretly hoping that none of my dental phobia was seeping into her little body during that first experience. I know how those fears can travel from generation to generation, and I could practically hear my subconscious clicking away to pass it along to her. I fought hard, kept smiling and chatting like I was relaxed. Time will tell.


Unknown said…
Adorable at the dentist! And so grown up! They are changing sooo fast...I miss them soo...Love you all! Shoxo
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh.....our little patient looks so very grown-up! I could hardly believe my eyes. She seemed to be enjoying the dentist much more than I remember anyone in our family enjoying old Mr. Drill and Fill. Nannio has a visit next Wednesday, hopefully she'll do as well, but I fear she will need to take one of mother's little helpers to get her through the visit. Having fun today as it is an ice day. Yeppers, we were iced in for a day. By noon it started to thaw, but it was nice watching it from the inside out. Amore!Cioa!

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