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You spin me right 'round baby right 'round.....

My Man: "Won't it be great, when one day, something we have will break and we will be able to easily get what we need, and we can get it fixed!"
Me: (dreamily) "Yeah, that will be great...and it will only take a couple of days too!"
My Man: "Sometimes, we might be able to get something fixed in only one day!"
Both:(chuckling)"Yeah, that'll be great."

End of dream sequence, back to reality.

A small chunk of metal penetrated the tire on My Man's motocicletta some time last week. He has decided to get the tire patched during the on-line search for new tires. Thus began the our circular tale.

With my handy dictionary, we set off, full of hope.

Our first point of contact was our landlord Perry-Angelo. I went into his office while My Man and the kiddos waited in the car. (This leads me to another thought about why I won't be the one who tells him that we are moving, but that is another post.) He knows of an AGIP gas station- in fact, he did some architectural work for the owner. To prove this fact, he motions me over to the pictures he has thumb tacked on the wall. After gazing appreciatively at the photos, I have no idea what he actually designed for them.....but I ooh and ahh like I am looking at a new baby. He assures me he will phone ahead to tell them we are coming and what we will need.

Off we go- to the AGIP station. A gentleman (Jangle) is expecting us when we pull in, around one in the afternoon. He acknowledges that Perry-Angelo called and points to the lift. Puzzled, I get out of the car.
I use my "macaroni" Italian to tell him what we need. "Oh, for a motocicletta!" he exclaims. "Perry-Angelo said it was for a car!"

"No, motocicletta, we don't do those here...Perry-Angelo- he has a girlfriend, so he can't think straight. He told me it was for a car. Let me ask my boss."

We are soon joined by a second man. He has a tuft of dirty blond hair, is slightly heavy set, short, with a thick gold chain around his neck.

When the two were standing next to each other, their nicknames became obvious. This was clearly Jingle,
of Jingle and Jangle, of course. He relays driving directions to the tire place in town, complete with smiles and lots of hand/arm waving. He also explains we have to go after lunch ....around 2:00pm.

Our task completed, we head to a small restaurant across town for lunch. Upon our arrival, we notice Jingle and Jangle's truck in the parking lot. We see them walking down a dirt path NEXT to the restaurant. We shrug it off and enter the restaurant. After we're seated, we notice that our waitress is the same bird who works at a pizzeria in town. Jingle and Jangle never show up for lunch.

As we're about to get in the car, we notice some construction under way in the parking lot. A steamroller is slowly going over the lot. The steamroller is being drvien by....Jingle!

On our way across town we see another repair shop. Ever hopeful we might find a closer place to do the work, we stop in. The man behind the counter will only look at My Man and ignores me completely. I start to ask the same question about the tire and they explain where we can get the work done. They promptly decide that it would be better for everyone involved, if we would follow this other man, who was picking up supplies, to the tire place. He leads us to what we believe to be the same place that Jingle and Jangle had described, and zooms off.

There's a large, I don't know, 10-wheeled construction vehicle and two men are working on one of the tires- they're both staring down at the tire with intense concentration. Finally, one fellow glances up at's Jangle! Now we've entered bizarro land. When their work on the tire is done, Jangle jumps into the construction truck and leaves.

We speak with the gentleman working the shop and arrrangements are made for the tire. It's pretty straighforward - he is closed tomorrow, but we can bring the tire by on Monday. That, my friends, is the end of the tale. We got the tire fixed without delay and My Man is back in action. that brings us full circle- cue music.


Unknown said…
This is HI-Larryious!! Jingle and Jangle were everywhere you went!! It is bizarro!! Glad you made the best of it and had fun! You are making great memories and stories to tell one day!!

Lots of Love!
mimi and papa said…
Hi-sterical! You have a special "gift" for seeing the silly side of life---fodder for your memoirs. Your photos of Jingle and Jangle have captured their unique charm I'm sure. Thanks for sharing your capers with your faithful followers.
Love and Huggies,
nanny said…
Another laugh out loud blog. It makes my heart happy. Ciao, ciao

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