I realize (as you will soon) this picture has nothing to do with this post, but what's a post without a pic?
I went to H's scuola today to be the "native English speaker" who comes to read a book. While there, a little boy showed me his drawing. The white page had about seven Italian flags drawn all around it. I smiled and said something nice- in English, and then my attention was quickly drawn to the little girl playing over by the blackboard. Her pants were down to her knees and her bright green tights made her look like a renegade leprechaun. She could not have been more oblivious to the situation at hand- or at knees, if you will. I motioned to the teacher who went to help her out.
Within another few minutes, that same boy with the flag drawings came over to me again. (I swear they are attracted to me like I am some sort of circus freak- and of course, I mean that in the nicest of ways to anyone who actually is a circus freak.) Anyway, he showed me his picture again, and now there was an American flag drawn on the page too- and it was a good little drawing of Old Glory. He was so thrilled with himself, and I am sure he saw the delight, mixed with surprise, in my eyes too.
For some reason, I have been thinking about his picture all day. He was under six years old - probably between 4 and 5. I wonder how many kids in preschool or kindergarten in the U.S. can draw the Italian flag- or any other flag for that matter. Maybe the Canadian flag makes more of an impression on kids because of the leaf and all. How many could draw the American flag? We should have Nanny-o do an experiment with her class and ask them to make just such drawings. I know, I know, we're a superpower and all. It just got me thinking.
I am impressed that he made the connection between me and America, and that he could draw my flag. I have been trying to imagine what America looks like to that little boy all day.
Lots of Love, Mimi
Signed, Your circus freak sister, who recently fell off the treadmill while playing with Ipod at the Y (i'm ok, some pain to leg)!! xoxo