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La Befana

Most mornings, I tiptoe downstairs to push the button on the coffee maker. (Every evening, I prepare the grounds and water, so that in the morning, "making coffee" is an easy task.) If My Man has already had his coffee, then I splash some into a mug and warm it just enough to take the chill off. Our crazy 240 watt microwave will make the mug so hot you can't touch it, yet the coffee remains tepid. It's magical.

Next, I walk over to the window, open it, and then open the large wooden shutters to see what kind of day we're going to have in this beautiful, though odorous land. Much to my surprise, one morning, I saw the neighbor's mother, Bruna sitting out on the porch. Usually she is busy tending her flowers and not just resting on the porch. She is 91 years old and looks like a well-loved stuffed animal to me. She laughs when I try to speak my "macaroni" Italian with her, but she is a good sport. She always shouts "Ciao" when she sees me. I thought maybe she shouted so loudly because she is hard of hearing, but her daughter shouts the same way.

Several hours later, when I glanced out the window once again, I saw she was still sitting on the the same position. Oh, this isn't good, I thought. Surely someone must know she is out there. I am sure she's fine, I told myself...yet I felt a concerned.

Finally, when we loaded into the car to head out, I got a closer look. Nope, it wasn't our neighbor dead on the porch after all, but rather La Befana. She sat there for two or so days. Nope, they didn't burn her either, I imagine we'll see her again next year.


Anonymous said…
L'histoire sur Burna m'a beaucoup amusé, je t'imagine guettant le réveil de la pauvre vieille dame, assoupie sur sa chaise, elle était dans ses rêves, (peut-être des rêves érotiques)ou alors elle faisait défiler devant ses yeux toute sa vie entière. Tu sais les mamas italiennes sont très caustaudes elles ont un tel pouvoir sur leur fils. BELLE HISTOIRE; love
mimi and papa said…
The "neighbor" story is too funny. I,like you, was concerned about Bruna sitting outside for hours, having met her and taken a liking to her spirited 91 year- old self. I must admit, that La Befana is likable as well--she has a certain appeal and must be a good witch with good medicine. She might even have a cannoli or two hidden under her shawl. I doubt that your neighbors would place a "bad spell" right on their porch. Keep up with the blog--l enjoy your humorous twist to the capers.
Miss you so much and sending Big Hugs and All My Love to the big and little peeps! Mimi
Unknown said…
Super! Kind of bizarre, bit I'm glad she was warm! You have great stories and adventures over there! Miss all the peeps too! (Saw Mim's peep reference!)
LoveXOXOX ShoPeep!
PS Sho us the Cape!
Anonymous said…
Miss K and Unlce Timmy are sitting in the 20 degree weather of Avon Lake reminiscing of our beautiful, warm blue-sky trip...wish we were there to see La Befana and everyone else. Hope all is well.

Miss K

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