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Delusions of moving.....

This post is for Aunt DeNise - I told you about my foray into interior decorating a long time ago. I wanted you to see my work : )
Slipcover- doesn't look too sloppy.

I never thought I would have so much red in my house. But, in Italy, the choices are limited. So, why not add a splash of color?

The curtains provide a wee bit of privacy. Our place is RIGHT on the street. Folks on the road can walk by and look into our house. I am used to that, but that doesn't mean we enjoy it. So, red curtains to go with the slipcover and the pouf. Yep, that's our armoire from our bedroom. It's hanging out in the living room because it wouldn't fit up the stairs.

The pouf is that ingenious square of red you can see in the picture below. It opens to a twin size bed- well, cot really. Never mind that it collapsed and dumped its occupant on the floor. It's still ingenious. I love it. Somehow it has gotten sequestered up here in our bedroom- along with what used to be our kitchen table. Ahh, the fun of cramming into this place. That takes me to our next topic. We are, once again, on the housing list and actively looking. We might even give PerryAngelo our 6 months notice by registered, really, we might. I can hear y'all chuckling. Maybe we'll mention that the walls are still moldy and he just might come and clean them or paint them, or whatever he said he was going to do, a good three weeks ago. (Stay tuned, for the next installment of..."As the Pasta Boils....Green Hairy Walls.")

The truth is, I love the red. I love having color in the room. We have since re-arranged the furniture, at least three times. We are still trying to fit in- this house, this country.


mimi and papa said…
Ahhhh, yes-the red poof. Pray tell, who was thrown from it and tossed onto the cold hard unforgiving tile floor like a wet linguini?
I like the splash of color- tastefully done!
"As the Pasta Boils" has a familiar ring to it.....copyright infringement? (no offense!)
I hesitate to inquire about the sofa with matching recliner and lounge. I see no trace of them.
Mommy-O, you've done a great job creating a warm space for family and friends. Thank you for keeping up with the blog in '08!
Unknown said…
I, personally, heart the red! As you may well know, I have a red couch! And red lamps! And, occasionally, RED hair!
I have to admit, my first thought on seeing the pics, was seeing the toys--shopping cart with dolly in seat, and stray plastic burger, and made me miss the girlz all over again! Miss you all! Shoxo
Anonymous said…
Hello la petite famille, je viens de voir la nouvelle déco du salon et c'est superbement joli, tu as de très bonnes idées et surtout très douée pour avoir recouvert le canapé qui est plus limineux qu'avant, si je me souviens bien il état vert. Je vois que tu as donnée une très bonne idée à Shauna qui pense, si j'ai bien compmris, mettre ses cheveux ROUGE. Je pense à vous tous en Italie au USA LOVE frenchmam

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