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First Day at Asilo

This is the official picture of the first day of nursery school. She picked out those blue suede shoes all by herself.

This is her school uniform, which I didn't know she needed until after school started. I just yesterday found out she needed her own markers and slippers. I have a new empathy for foreigners in the states- it really is hard when you don't understand everything or anything....especially when the children are involved.

So, we got to school at 7:45 and there was not another soul in sight. School was to start at 8:00. The doors were locked. Yep, we're Americanos, still arriving early. (Turns out, there is a one hour window from 8-9 to drop off the kids......who knew?)

Finally a priest came over and began to tell us a long-winded story about how they ALMOST got money from the Kennedys to start a home somewhere for someone. I really think the only English he spoke was what he needed to tell the story.

This is the view from the front steps of the school, which is a short walk from home.

I wasn't too motivated to have her start nursery school just yet. I like having her home and, well, I wasn't ready. I had heard mixed reviews about the Italian schools, and I had no real way to find out about their discipline policy, etc. I figured there was tons of red tape. Then I spoke with the woman who lives diagonally across the street. She speaks french...I really wish I knew her name. Anyway, she stopped me while Fonzie was peeing and we started chatting about school. She suggested it would be a good experience for H to try the Italian scuola. I agreed, and the plan was hatched to help me sign her up. It was hot, I was a little nervous, I started to sweat.

About a week later, she picked me up and we drove the five minutes into the larger town. I don't need to tell you her car was really small, that's a given. At least it wasn't a tractor. It happened to be very hot that day, but she didn't roll her windows down. I kept looking at the door to see if I at least had the option, but I didn't see anything that looked like a crank or button. The door was empty except for the open/close door-handle. There was nothing on the center console between us, either. She kept dabbing her face with a hankie....I just sat there sweating.

We got to the building and, apparently, it was the wrong place, despite the fact that this woman had called to double check the locale. I couldn't understand the entire conversation, but this woman was giving them a "what for." People were looking. I just sat there sweating.

We walked to another building and waited outside for 20 minutes. We got inside and filled out a form or two. They didn't even require proof of vaccines. What, no red tape? Hmmmm, very suspicious. They gave me the date and time of the first day, and it was done. On the ride home, the woman opened her window- the buttons were on the dashboard, to the left and right of the radio-ish item. Of course....where else? At this point, I didn't even bother to open my window. My little dumpling was going to start nursery school in a foreign country...she doesn't speak the language, what if someone is mean to her, what if.....I just sat there sweating.

This is one of her teachers. The little fellow whom she is comforting is another little Americano- there are 4 of them in the class. This little guy cries every day, which isn't good for the rest of us.

This is the silent victim of H's new adventure.

P.S. Last night, I thought I saw a blob of yarn on the floor. I didn't have my contacts in as I was about to get into bed. I leaned over to get a better look, and the little blob turned out to be a scorpion-it started skittering across the floor! UGH! So, tonight, as I sit here in the dark and type (My Man is in bed snoozing) I have my legs painfully wrapped around a wooden chair to keep them off the floor. I keep feeling bugs on my legs. I think I may have seriously damaged my knees tonight. Welcome to my world.


Anonymous said…
The smock is adorable. Out little dumpling looks so grown up in the classroom. This is a milestone. It won't be long before #2 follows her big sis into the world of formal education. Oh, the places they will go and the things they will learn---what a wonderful time! Keep heavy shoes close by to flatten the little unwanted guests you are finding in your home. Thanks for the latest installment-always fun to read! Miss you all. Love and kisses, Bad Mimi
nanny said…
Cara Mia,
Dejavu! I can remember the first day of school and the little one at home and I have to say I was nostalgically a little sad. It's a milestone, and the best thing for Gordon. However, it is the official beginning of the growing up years. The girls are as adoreable as ever and I miss them oh so much. I am happy with the way the teacher is comforting the little one, she looks caring. It sounds like you are all adjusting and once that is done and the routine established all will be well. My little munchkins have finally settled in and all is well with them and their parents.

What was the scorpion doing on the third floor? (Did you ask?) I thought maybe they would only be on the first floor. Good grief! Do they climb, like up the mattress? We need to check this out.

Abbraccii e bracii
p.s. the tribe won the first game of the playoffs
bethie and pets said…
so... i have tried on several occasions to send comments and have failed miserably. this time I WILL SUCCEED!!!! your stories are great and i truly feel you should officially publish them as a collection, become a millionaire and then buy us a practice (always thinking of myself :0 !) anyway i miss you all! I hope h likes school, z is not too sad. Why are there scorpions in italy? I thought they were only in the desert. Also, it may be a good time for you to consider Lasix surgery. I feel for you. I had a fl;ea on me today if that makes you feel better. hugs and kisses
aunt buffy
Unknown said…
Ohmygod! Gordon/Barney looks soo grown up! I can't believe it! Where is my chubby little blanket riding (remember the magic carpet rides i started to entertain her, and then it would never end?!) They are both beautiful and smart as ever!! I really like the way the teacher is comforting the little boy too! The smock is terrific!! Sooo cute! Miss you all and wish I was there or you were all here. The rain in Seattle calls for yous...XOX Shobot

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