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Chicken Mystery Wine

In light of the strong demand (okay, 2 people, you know who you are : ) for this recipe, I thought I would post it here for all to enjoy. If any of you have seen me in the kitchen, you realize I view recipes as "guidelines." (Occasionally, this is apparent in the final product!)

The recipe can be traced back to Rachel Ray, or a recipe search engine somewhere on the net. Nanny-o was the first to prepare it here in Italy. (Conclusion of credits.)

The strangest part for me, is how difficult it is to find Marsala wine here....we have to buy it in a small shop in Pordenone, which is a half hour drive from home. I am looking for a closer source, but in the meantime, in a moment of desperation, yes, Miss K, I used this!

This veird mystery white wine that came from our landlord. In this veird reused plastic water bottle that isn't really sealed.....that has been in my fridge for months. I don't know what I was thinking. That's not really like me.

(Nobody suffered any ill side-effects....not like some people who ate rotten cheese and then went into labor- CONGRATS to Aunt Buffy and Uncle Lou on their new little boy!)

Here's the recipe-ish:

4 skin/boneless chicken bre*sts (1.5 lbs.)
kosher salt (of course I use plain-non-kosher salt)
1/4 c extra virgin olive oil
4 oz prosciutto, thinly sliced- more like chopped as it's usually already very thinly sliced
8 oz cremini/porcini mushrooms stemmed/halved- (I use regular old grocery store shrooms)
1/2 c sweet Marsala wine
1/2 cup chicken stock
2T butter
1/4 chopped parsley ( I haven't used this ever)

Mix flour with salt and pepper- (I usually just s & p post flouring in the pan). Heat olive oil, dredge chicken, fry 5 minutes on each side turning once. Remove to plate. Decrease heat to medium and add prosciutto to pan drippings, saute for 1 minute. Add shrooms, saute until brown (5 mins). Season with s and p. Add Marsala, boil for a few seconds, add broth summer 1 minute, stir in butter- return chicken and simmer until done. Serve over noodles : )

And, since Miss K wanted this recipe, I will take a moment to share our visit....hopefully the photos won't offend those who are sensitive to their image being posted on the web. I will remove them at your request BUT you would have to figure out how to tell me to do so in the comments. My evil twin wants me to put up a less-than-flattering pic to force you.....bwah ha ha.

A quick trip to Barcis...H was in scuola. Clearly Z was happy about being the only child.

Another apple pie...note the cannolis as our back up plan. Always be prepared, right?
I have no idea where this is.....Uncle T, Miss K? My Man?

Venice, of course...

We would like you to come back soon.


Anonymous said…
We (I) are very happy to have our pictures out there for all your readers to see. I appreciate the recipe and CANNOT believe you used the wine. Hopefully, everything that was floating in it had settled to the bottom before you used it to cook with.
I am ready to come back at a moment's notice. Hope you are having fun with Mimi!
- Miss K (and Uncle Timmy over my shoulder)
Anonymous said…
A follow up - the picture in question, as well as the one of Uncle Timmy and Jay (your Man) is from Ljubljana - the capital of Slovenia. A great day trip recommendation for any of your future visitors.
- Miss K
nanny said…
Awesome photos! Looks like loads of fun. Ljubljana, that's right...looks a little like the view from a Rick Steeves restaurant pick. If it is the same spot, we enjoyed faux shrimp there early in the summer. Euros are certainly creative with their food and wine, making it all the more interesting. Can't believe the mileage that has come from a simple Tuesday night dinner........and it is all about the wine.
mimi and papa said…
Seeing pictures of everyone having fun is always a treat! I have experienced the chicken and it is delish--thank you Nanny! I am although, waiting for the homemade apple pie, hint, hint, Mommy-O Don't get me wrong, the gelato and cannoli are yummy. Miss K--I am having the time of my life with the bambini. I haven't been referred to as "bad Mimi" once since my arrival. I will continue to do my part to support frequent blogging efforts during my stay for the enjoyment of all.
Lots of Amore,
mimi and papa said…
You can add me to the list of those who savor this recipe as I enjoyed this at your last residence (and look forward to enjoying again). I am anxiously awaiting my arrival and enjoying good wine, great food, and most of all - the company of my wonderful family. See you in a week.
Love, Papa

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