Happy Halloween! What a great idea....Trunk or Treat. In this event the piccolo (and not so piccolo) kids can still participate in the candy-filled fun of trick or treating. There was a line of traffic to get on base- I had never seen that before. Our little puppy and ladybug were ready for action....although they weren't sure what action was in store.... they knew candy was involved. Awww... We arrived at 6 pm (when it was to start) and waited about an hour to get to the entrance. No one told the kids we were waiting and they fun running all over the place in their costumes- and checking out everyone else. I was glad they weren't "naken" underneath their costumes as they quickly overheated and ditched them. This isn't the best picture but you can see all the people waiting. The weather, thankfully, was wonderful- no rain. This is how it works. A section of street is closed off. People from different organizations volunteer to back in and decorate the trunks of t...
Sharing the fun.....mostly