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Try and leave this world a little better than you found it (Boy Scout motto)

Uncle Crunchy, Aunt D and Nanny have certainly done that. What a stroke of genius. I am so used to our new set up, that it doesn't even seem that ridiculous at this point! (I am still not sure what the neighbors think, but when did we start worrying about that anyway????)

One of the major drawbacks of this place is the complete lack of yard. We longed for a sunny spot to play, snooze in the sun, etc. Look what they did!

These are rolls of artificial turf that they found along with fabulous new lawn chairs- the kind in which you can lounge back and really enjoy your afternoon.

It's awesome. We have since added a third tarp. Someone should probably stop us from covering the entire gravel parking lot!

The kids play outside all the time now, and it's wonderful. One of the best things is that The Fonz doesn't think it's real grass : )


nanny said…
Americani ingenuity, that's what it grass then, make some. Thoroughly enjoying being outside, day and evening, the sun, the shade, the vino. Bella! Now, when did you say the boyscouts were coming?
mimi and papa said…
Love the creative "thinking outside of the box"! Great idea and I can see that it makes a big difference for all of you--whole new playground for big and little kids. Can't wait to check it out in person pretty soon.....Love, Mimi
Anonymous said…
Hello la petite famille Italienne jour après jour je vous vois, vous avez tous l'air très heureux, je vois que le vino Chianti) coule à volonté, et que les petites femmes l'apprécient beaucoup (n'est ce pas Judy) lorsque j'ai vu Dan et Dana au restaurant devant cette immense pièce de boeuf ou de porc, j'ai pensé à notre séjour avec le Beggo Busch lorsque nous étions dans cette ville de sorcières (une pensée pour Martha Corée) au restaurant Dan avait mis une frite dans chaque narine c'était Funny, je pense beaucoup à vous, à très bientôt LOVE FRENCHMAM
Anonymous said…
Hi Judi, Friends, and Family!
I love reading these Italian Capers! :) Some of the best writing I have seen! Lots of laughs! Love your new playground as well. You were never one to let the grass grow under your feet anyway...right Judi?!
Enjoy your darling grandkids, the fresh air, and the vino. Before you know it...we'll be walking the halls of Dover ~ again! :)
Diane B.

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