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One more hairy post, and then I am done, I swear

Okay, I was so flabbergasted by the haircut yesterday that I forgot to add how long it took. When Mrs. Perryangelo was done cutting my hair, she explained that she was going to make coffee and her assistant was going to dry my hair. Honestly, she took 30-40 minutes to blow dry my hair. When she was about half way through, Mrs. Perryangelo appeared with little espressos on a tray for all three of us. I wasn't sure about the proper etiquette, whether I should sip it while her assistant was yanking on my head and all. I snuck in a sip. It was strong and delish. Mrs. Perryangelo was busy chatting loudly and gesturing - all the while, she was spilling her coffee on the floor where it was mixing with my hair.

I have since decided that maybe it's not Joan Jett at all, but rather Pinky's little sister Leather. I think my eye squint makes me look a little more like her evil twin- all I need is a leather jumpsuit. Perhaps a fine Italian leather jumpsuit- I'll bet I can find one. I saw a woman in a jeans jumpsuit several weeks ago. It was an unpleasant experience, to say the least.

The ironical (yes, I know that's not a word) part of this situation is that I just sent this little picture composite to my adorable sister in Washington. I hope she doesn't mind me sharing- if you do, Diesel, send me an e-mail and I'll yank this photo : )

So, I have had a "cosmic slap," ah, I had it coming.

Here's Leather on an evening stroll. We are like a parade- leading the parade was "My Man" and The Fonz. I am sure we were quite a sight- they'll get used to us.

Uncle T, I got your comment, thanks for the encouragement -you are missed!


Bongo Bear said…
Well, my friend, I like the new do and the tale that goes with it! You look happy and healthy (and I am sure those face-framing layers are the cause!;-) I'll keep my eyes open for a stylish jumpsuit for you if one comes along- although you could knit your own special one, I am certain. Happy Weekend! Love to all!
Anonymous said…
Yaaahhhh!!!!! génial j'adore ton nouveau look ma petite Italienne, tu fais très FEEMMMME FATAAALE, tu es très jolie et tu as l'air très épanouie, je me souviens lorsque tu es venue en France en 1986 (le siècle dernier... wohh) tu avais aussi couper tes cheveux, je vois que notre vieux Continent Européen a des effets positifs sur toi, maintenant tu es une AMERICANEUROPEENNE il va te falloir un deuxième passeport. Love
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
Love the LAYERS!! I would say take off more!! Be free of the weight of your hair!! It looks darling on you!! And so moderne!! Gilles (frenchman)mentioned he liked my new hairicot!
Thanks for putin me foto on your blog!! :)
Fun to talk fur hours today!!
Welcome to Mom & D & D!!
Have fun!!
mimi and papa said…
Love your new "Do" and must schedule an appointment with your stylist when we visit. I hope to enjoy a cup of her espresso as well! Am waiting patiently, read of your capers with Nanny and Co. Please share this chapter with us! Sending all my Love.

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