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I'm driving in my car....I turn on the radio.....(name it and claim it)

Sometimes, I can hardly believe that I am a grown up.

When I was driving home today, there were several cars behind me, right on my tail. I was thinking- "geez, give me some space."

It's true that the Italians tend to tailgate, however, they had good reason today. You see, our trusty steed, a used BMW wagon has a couple issues. When have we had a car that doesn't, really?

It seems that the thermostat control face is on the blitz. The A/C will only work the first time you drive the car each day and never after that. I don't care too much about that. The worst part is that the heat is stuck on when the control panel is off, which is 95% of the time. And the hot air blows on your feet. Really hot air.

So, today, as I was driving home, after I noticed the tailgaters, willing to sacrifice us all to get past me, I looked down at the spedometer. Hmmmm, I was going a bit slow. You see, I was driving with my big toe, and there was only so much pressure I could muster for the gas pedal. I had my flip flops on, and the plastic was getting strangely soft ( I think I imagined the burning plastic smell, not sure) and my foot was on fire. My solution was to ease my foot all the way back so that only my big toe was in the heat for the most part. Hence, the slow pace. It was hot people. Kind of reminds me of the cars we drove in high school....maybe this keeps me young at heart?

The thermostat will be fixed by our kind used car salesman- so he says, if we get it in to his shop. That needs to go up a bit on the priority list.

More on the used car shopping expeirence later. It's actually a new pic of the kids on the same car on the same ride....we have seen this same carousel at several festivals.


Unknown said…
Glad I'm not the only one driving round in A HOT CAR!! but you know i like to turn my heat on in the summer to cool the engine!
your very own jeahova waitress!
love the pics!!
nanny said…
Here, here....I like to think that you are carrying on a long traditon of cars that are testament to the character building assets of automobiles. Beginning with the long parade of ever free, ever green, roomy, reliable and unnattractive collection of Valiants, followed by the always popular blue VW Bug with air vents in the floor,providing a shower for every passenger with the slightest of rains (how thoughtful,) the ever recumbent Chevette, good on miles, bad on posture (Did we really have pillows behind our backs to drive it?)the MGB mostly, gasp! broken,a cool and styling car and then the Buick, which had curb appeal from the curb..... on the next block. So happy that the tradition continues. Ride on!!!!!!
Bongo Bear said…
I think every time I read your blog, It adds years to my life because of the laughter. We had a nissan sentra that we had to turn off the raido, a/c, and get a running start to get up hills when we were in college. Also, when we dated, B had his trusty toyota p/u. One night we were driving along when the bumper fell off in the middle of the road. Perhaps that is why the idea of your melting flip flop and malfunctioning heater tickled me so much, as we have ALWAYS had quirky cars, too. I wish you cool travels here on out--- Oh and most importantly, wear shoes that cover your whole foot- preferably insulated!! :-)
mimi and papa said…
Can't help but recall an "event" in Dayton involving a teeny convertable with the top down amidst a torrent with 2 candidates for the very wet t-shirt contest. I, for one was no contender as the rain was cold. Need I say more? Reminds me of George on Seinfeld in a bathing suit when he fell victim to "shrinkage". Your current saga is quite a departure from the ride in Hades---may the A/C be with you and all of your toes!

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