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Weekend Update

Good Monday to yous. We had beautiful weather this weekend, so we took full advantage of the sun. Saturday, we headed south (and a little east) to a flower festival in Lignano. It was more like an elaborate market, and it was fun.

There was bread bigger than Percy- it's bread that is sold by the kilo. I tried to put a pic in with people to give you some idea exactly how big these loaves were. It's a salty bread made to go with hardy dishes or to be used for bruschetta. We tried it for breakfast, and unless you are a sailor, prisoner, or a carb-a-holic (you know who you are, we don't have to name names here) it was pretty nasty with jelly. It went well with eggplant parm, though-which is good as we purchased quite a bit!

They had an Italian metal band performing some classic Deep Purple in the park filled with families. That was interesting. There was some strange ritual involving the local children-we're almost certain that no one was in danger of being sacrificed, but we didn't linger, just in case. I am really not sure what they are doing, but they seemed to be having fun.

After the festival, we headed to the beach! It was dirty, gritty, sandy fun. Gordon was thrilled to put her tootsies in the warm sand and cool water, but Percy would not lower her landing gear.....

It was also the town of Lignano, which is on the Adriatic. There are these little stands for umbrellas- which you can rent. The entire beach is parcelled out. There weren't many people as it's not quite season yet. Not to worry, there were many speedo-clad men and scantily clad elders at whom to gawk. It was about an hour's drive from home and the little engines tolerated it well. Lucky for us- we found a take-out pizza place just 5 mins from our house- so dinner was a snap : )

Of course, we had to have some ice cream on the beach.


nanny said…
Even in a few weeks, Percy is looking even more grown up. Her water shoes are on the way so she can get into that sand. Your trip to the town sounds interesting and the bread, well, leftovers could be used as chair covers. A new bed for Fonzie? What an adventure each week! Ciao!
Bongo Bear said…
Wow! Every weekend with you looks like a fabulous vacation adventure! Hmmm, yes, I could be a carb addict- I will proudly admit it. I can, however, say that I have never seen a bread loaf the size of my eldest child! Your blog is fantastic, it definitely keeps us up to date on what your steamies are up to!Thanks for your hard work on it and keep the fun entires coming!
mimi and papa said…
Love the "landing gear" reference to the little ones tootsies that fear grit. The gigantic bread looks like it could absorb gallons of olive oil---you know how I love to dunk. Can't wait to experience the local attractions with you!! All of you look happy---ENJOY and keep up the pictures and tales of capers yet to come!!

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