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Thursday are for Our Sights of Italy

Thursday used to be for pizza and beer and Friends and Seinfeld! Here are some local pictures from my evening walk with The Fonz. The first picture is a side view of our place. That little window is to our bathroom- our very crowded, small bathroom. The rest of the pics are down the street and/or down this gravel backroad. I am not sure I am allowed to be walking on said gravel road, but I haven't seen any signs- none that I can read anyway! I will also expound a bit about the Italian experience. I have noticed that if you are riding a bicycle here, the cars/trucks give about the required 1 meter distance between the cyclist and the vehicle. If you are walking, however, it is a different story. I put my hand out (which was not a good idea and I won't do it again) between myself and a passing car and the car seemed about 4-6 inches from my fingertips. It seemed very close.

The cars also go very fast. There are laws concerning driving, but they are disregarded for the most part. Stop signs are optional for Italians.

I was walking with Fonzie and a huge diesel truck turned DIRECTLY in front of me. If I had taken one more step I would have kicked the tire. It seems like the drivers are rude here, but it's not directed at me personally, that's just the way it is. I preceive it as rude, because on my walks with Fonz in the US, most people would yield and let us finish crossing first. Oh, the Italian experience continues.

The girls opened a box from Mimi and Pops today- they had a blast, and thank you for the goodies.

They loved the balls that light up. The clothes were very cute and we are overlooking the polyester- as previously discussed : )

Initially Percy liked the Whole Wheat Bunny Crackers, but soon, she started doing this with them and letting them fall out of her mouth (much to Fonzie's bliss). I tried them- I think they could have used a little organic salt at least. Gordon likes them a lot. We'll see what Percy does with them next time. Isn't she charming?

We will open their box from Gr. Grammy and Gr. Grampy soon too. Have to spread these things out! Thank you for thinking of us!


Unknown said…
These are awesome and the kids look adorable!! I miss you all!! Love, Bo bo

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