Sheesh, this week went by so quickly! The weather here is downright hot and all things are blooming- I know this because my allergies are the worst they have ever been. Thank goodness I received such lovely and stylish glasses for my birthday. It's been a pleasant change as our family hasn't seen the sun for years, as we hail from the great green overcast state of WA.
We tried to go to the playground, but little Percy got into a jam. You see, she insisted on helping me apply sunblock- well, then she rubbed her eye. Then she was crying because she got sunblock in her eyes and that made her rub them even more. I tried and tried to stop her, distract her- even Gordon was singing Itsy Bitsy Spider in a desperate attempt to change the subject. But, alas, in a girl known for her drama, there was no end in sight. So, what could I do? the utility tub for a wash down she went and that was that. (No children suffered long-term harm in this turn of events.)
This latest edition to Nanny's villa is kind of sub par, and I know that. I am not sure it even has a door....but it's kind of charming, no? There is a flock of chickens running willy nilly all around it, maybe that's why I like needs a little work : )

P.S. I have changed the comments section so that you don't have to log in or register to comment if you so desire. I would love to hear from you!
We tried to go to the playground, but little Percy got into a jam. You see, she insisted on helping me apply sunblock- well, then she rubbed her eye. Then she was crying because she got sunblock in her eyes and that made her rub them even more. I tried and tried to stop her, distract her- even Gordon was singing Itsy Bitsy Spider in a desperate attempt to change the subject. But, alas, in a girl known for her drama, there was no end in sight. So, what could I do? the utility tub for a wash down she went and that was that. (No children suffered long-term harm in this turn of events.)
This latest edition to Nanny's villa is kind of sub par, and I know that. I am not sure it even has a door....but it's kind of charming, no? There is a flock of chickens running willy nilly all around it, maybe that's why I like needs a little work : )
P.S. I have changed the comments section so that you don't have to log in or register to comment if you so desire. I would love to hear from you!
It definitely seems like a step back in time with the laundry, electricity, etc. Although air drying might be better for the environment (less energy used), it is probably not as good for your allergies with all that pollen around. Great job as usual on the blog - the girls are so cute.
Love , Papa
Much Love,