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It's Friday, so it's time for "Nanny's Villa"

Here is our first installment of "Nanny's Villa." We will scout only the finest Italian properties to find that special second home/getaway (under the Aviano sun) for Nanny. Yes, they will be fixer-uppers, but with the Italian workmanship, I am sure it will drag on for centuries. Here is our first pick, found just inside the lovely booming metropolis San Leondardo di Crappa. As you can see, it is spacious. We have arranged a full tour for early in Nanny Nonna's visit to give her time to ponder and dream over this precious Italian jewel.

Speaking of precious jewel, here are some pics of our place. Starting from the top- the loft, where the dryer lives and the spare room where the computer hangs out.

Upper marble scarecase- get it?

This is the kitchen before the gigantic American fridge moved in and started sucking all the electricity out of the village. As you can see Percy is enjoying the 220 volt charge.

Enjoying the requisite moving-day donettes- yes, Nanny, they are from the Shopette.

This is the living room. The windows are RIGHT on the street-there's a foot wide patch of lawn in front. You can see heads bobble by and once there was a man looking in the window whilst we were eating dinner. The master bedroom looks exactly like this and I don't have a pic of the girls' room, but you get the idea. The last pic is the storage room where the wash basin (aka bathtub) and washing machine live. This room is as small as you see. The washing machine is petite-makes it sound almost dainty. This is the only entrance to the house- to the left is the living room and to the right is the kitchen- in the center is the first scarecase.

I swear to take a pic of the outside...well, before we move or leave!

Edited to add:
Ooops, I forgot- Mimi, here are the baking cookie pictures. Oatmeal raisin- here they are eating- I mean measuring the raisins. Seems we have been baking quite a bit lately- fun for a rainy day. (Yes, Gordon is still in her pj's- I ask you why not????)


nanny said…
Love the villa! Just what I am looking for in a house. You can all come and bake cookies there. Is there a small vineyard? at least a few vines? some empty bottles? I can't believe how big the girls are getting especially #2. They grow so fast.
Tee hee, I am glad you figured out how to leave a comment! Yes, I think I saw a few vines, so you can get ready for your next career as a vintner : )

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