(Gotta bump that!) Most of the houses here have some sort of fence around them. Usually the fence is a cement base with metal fencing on top. The Italians love their cement as much, if not more, than they love their tile. If you are lucky, there's a little clicker to open the gate when you are about to pull into your driveway. The gate then closes automatically after you pass through. I didn't grow up with a fence around our house, and neither did My Man. Most houses on our street did not have a fence, either. So, I am intrigued by the mental shift we have about our gate. We feel obliged to keep it closed. I tell you, you start to feel strange if you discover, in the morning, that it was open all night- even just a foot to allow you to pass in and out to walk the dog. The feeling is stronger than if you discover you unwittingly left a light on...but not as strong as if you discover the refrigerator door is ajar. It's more akin to leaving your garage door open- although the ...
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