We decided to attend H's school celebration of Carnevale - yes I know it was in February. Our landlady, Signora Anna, repeatedly told me to let the kids wear their Halloween costumes. We went to the party a couple minutes late as we have learned is the expected protocol. When we walked into the large open room, I immediately noticed a difference between the little Americanas and the other girls.....ALL the Italian girls were dressed like princesses. Most of the Italian boys were dressed like super heros.....I think there was one clown. Our girls were dressed like....yep, dogs. Who let the dogs out? There's the one clown. The main activity for the duration of the party was throwing confetti. After all the confetti was thrown, the kids scooped it all up and threw it over and over and over again. I am still finding bits of confetti around the house. That's the infamous Luigi. For a brief time, he was trying to hold H's hand and kiss her cheek at school. She did no...
Sharing the fun.....mostly